What is a squeeze page
This is achieved by offering people a special deal, known as a lead magnet.
It is so named because the goal is to “squeeze the juice” out of prospects by asking them for something of value to the company. In this case, their data, which is why these are also referred to as lead pages.
A squeeze page is typically designed with concise content, which can include various elements like a headline and compelling, persuasive contents that provide necessary information about what the person will get in exchange for leaving their personal details. A form that includes a maximum of two or three fields for data entry, such as name and email, is also a common feature.
It’s preferable that the content be persuasive and that the “gift” is genuinely valuable content that motivates users to make a positive decision. Some effective lead magnets include subscribing to a newsletter, discount coupons, downloadable e-books, a webinar, a free podcast chapter, among others.
Differences Between a Landing Page and a Squeeze Page
A squeeze page is a type of landing page, specifically designed to capture email addresses from visitors (as opposed to other types of information). So, this comparison isn’t so much between apples and oranges… it’s more like comparing apples to a very specific type of apple.
Both landing pages and squeeze pages contain everything you need on a single page. Both are excellent for specific campaigns when you are trying to get visitors to perform a certain action. And both usually have just one main CTA, which makes tracking conversions easier.
That said, there are some key differences between landing pages and squeeze pages:
Landing Pages
- May contain multiple form fields to collect as much information as possible from potential customers.
- Vary in length.
- Can be click-through (via a button).
- Often feature elaborate graphics, details, and social proof.
- Can be used at any point in the customer’s purchasing process.
- Can receive traffic from multiple sources, including email.
Squeeze Pages
- Contain only one or two form fields: name and email address.
- Tend to be much shorter and more concise.
- Always contain at least two form fields (for lead generation).
- Often feature just the essentials to avoid overthinking by visitors.
- Generally used near the start of the customer’s purchasing process.
- Typically do not receive traffic from email sources.
The Importance of Squeeze Pages
Squeeze pages are important because they allow you to capture your visitor’s email address so that you can sell them something later on. When you manage to capture their email address, you have the opportunity to take them further down your sales funnel and build a lasting relationship with them.
And this is where “good” marketing becomes “excellent” marketing, with long-lasting relationships with customers.
What Can You Offer on Your Squeeze Page
Some digital assets you can present are:
- Ebooks
- Essays
- Newsletters
- Videos or webinars
- Free reports
- Podcasts
- Slide presentations
Before creating your squeeze page, you should determine which digital asset will be most valuable for your visitors. If your prospects are beginners, they might find more value in a detailed email course or an ebook rather than just a single infographic.
On the other hand, if your clients are busy and always on the go, they might find a podcast or an infographic more valuable because they can consume them more quickly. There isn’t a “right” or “wrong” offer to use, but you should consider your visitors and what asset will be most appealing for them to submit their email address.
5 Tips for Creating a Successful Squeeze Page
1. Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet
The first thing you need to do is create a lead magnet. After all, you’re asking someone to give their email address, one of the most important and private pieces of contact information they have. Better offer them something really good in return.
Here are some of the most common lead magnets marketing experts use to attract leads on squeeze pages:
- A newsletter
- A contest or giveaway
- A coupon or discount
- A checklist, whitepaper, or printable report
- A free webinar or video course
- A podcast episode
- A template, worksheet, or online tool
When creating your lead magnet, always consider your audience and what your brand can offer that is truly useful. For example, a raw dog food company could create a guide with different diet plans recommended for various dog breeds. Leverage your area of expertise and create something they can’t find anywhere else.
2. Visualize the Benefits
The drawback of hiding your lead magnet behind a form is that visitors won’t know how amazing it is until they actually get it. This means the heavy lifting falls on you to show all that value upfront and help prospects visualize the benefits of what they’ll receive.
From a copywriting perspective, this is where it’s important to differentiate between your lead magnet’s features and benefits.
For example, for a raw dog food guide, if you just listed the features of the guide, you might say there are “10 different diet plans” and “over 1,000 ingredients” listed. But if you focus on the benefits, you might highlight that this guide will help you “build the perfect nutrition plan for your particular dog” and “learn what ingredients are healthiest for your puppy.”
In your headline and supporting text, focus on the benefits that matter most to your visitors and they’ll be more likely to convert.
3. Use Social Proof
Marketers often overlook social proof on their lead capture pages. But testimonials, client logos, verbatims, and reviews are just as important here as on any other landing page. Visitors may not know much about your brand or why they should trust you when they arrive at your lead capture page. If they think your lead magnet doesn’t seem legit (or too good to be true), you shouldn’t be surprised if they don’t give you their email address.
Try giving your lead magnet to some key customers beforehand and ask for a testimonial about what they think. (Hopefully, they think it’s super cool and useful!) You can include this a little further down the page to help convince anyone who ends up scrolling past your main CTA.
4. Keep Your Page Brief
While long squeeze pages sometimes work, generally, it’s better to keep your page short and to the point. Don’t include everything and the kitchen sink on the page just because you’re excited about the offer. What you really need on a squeeze page is a compelling headline, a bit of text to whet your visitors’ appetites, and a form with one or two fields to capture their email addresses.
If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to test at least two different variants of your squeeze page. Try experimenting with a shorter version and a longer version that provides more details. You can activate Smart Traffic in Unbounce and have both running simultaneously to find out which works better.
5. Target the Right Audience
You can create the best squeeze page in the world, but if you present it to the wrong people, you probably won’t have much success. Going after too broad an audience would be like trying to hug random strangers on the street; it’s an unwanted and uncomfortable gesture (plus, you might get reported to the police). It’s much better to go after an audience you already know will be receptive to this type of offer.
Target the right audience by intentionally driving traffic to your squeeze page. One way to do this is through your website. You can set up a popup on popular, high-traffic pages (like your blog) to advertise your lead magnet and start collecting email addresses from people who are already interested in your brand.
Another option is to pay for traffic on Facebook and Instagram and use ads to directly advertise your hook. Once you’ve got some people who have downloaded the guide, you can fine-tune your targeting with lookalike audiences to lower your cost per click and attract people with similar characteristics who are more likely to convert.
Juan Esteban Yepes