Sales for the first time in five years of presence on the internet

A digital marketing strategy that put them on the map
Dt. Dental
Dt. Dental is a software in the cloud that charges a monthly fee to its customers for using the system. It is what is normally called Software As A Service (Saas). On the Internet it is one of the best business models that may exist since you get clients recurring that pay you month to month. Additionally, in this type of services, customer desertion is very low, since once They are used to using the software and do not want to learn how to use another.
Dental software is a product with very little differentiation since all must comply with the same regulations.
That means that all software does more or less the same thing and they have very similar prices. The main differences in this type of product are in the usability (or user experience), in the quality of marketing and customer support.
That means that all software does more or less the same thing and they have very similar prices. The main differences in this type of product are in the usability (or user experience), in the quality of marketing and customer support.
- The website had structural and technical optimization problems.
- Guidelines were being made for more than a year but had not been never generated a single contact through the form of the page.
- There was no defined sales process.
This last point was identified as the most critical of all and we started working there. It is crucial before you start implement pages and technological elements make marketing adjustments and sales. If a company has the best technology but is unclear that sells or how to sell it, will not generate results.
We design the sales process
Dt. Dental is software for dental offices that makes almost the same as the others.
So how do we make our potential customers prefer our software over the competition? That we can offer to generate value and make them fall in love with us?

- The first thing we did was remove as much of the Barriers to software entry.
- We then implement a welcome process with sequences of emails that allow you to generate small early victories in the users.
- We carry out workshops and training for new staff telesales to support the process of automated sequences.
We redesigned the site and migrated the servers
Dt. Dental is software for dental offices that makes almost the same as the others.
So how do we make our potential customers prefer our software over the competition? That we can offer to generate value and make them fall in love with us?
The new site has a much more robust structure that allows have more content and keywords that help the positioning. In addition, secondary pages were added such as the team page and contact page. These pages increase the confidence of the clients and finally the conversions since allows them to see that there is indeed a support team for meet all requests.

We restructure the guideline
Although guidelines were being made, there were campaigns set up directly by the Google sales team but had not been optimized since they were mounted It was discovered that the pattern was working very well.
Keywords with a high CTR which means that a large percentage of people who saw the ad found it relevant.
We also found that the Quality Score of the keywords was up to 9 on some occasions, indicating that users are looking for what what we offer.
Since the guideline was working fine just by making the changes in the page began to generate conversions without the need for much optimization.
That is, we began to receive potential clients without the need to make budget increases.

Although the guideline in Google Adwords was working well, we found the cost of each click is a bit high (between $970 and $2100) and we We proposed to find a way to lower the cost of traffic.
After a couple of weeks we started making adjustments to the schedule and explore other traffic acquisition channels and discover in Facebook an acquisition channel at a lower cost than Google.
Of course, to have a low cost per click we had to invest in the content. Professional photos and videos with real dentists. This is a sample of one of the advertisements.
With the collected data we then define the best channels, keywords and ad types to achieve our goal and to from there scale the budgets.
The above sounds like a rather long process but in reality all these decisions were made in less than two weeks.
Biggest reason why this is a success story Two weeks later we doubled the budgets and at the end of 45 days we can already count 146 potential customers.
Our success story does not end there. we are getting results exceptional in other areas although not yet generating sales.

Organic Positioning (SEO)
We always care that the pages of our clients are optimized for search engines to index them in the best way way and increase your positioning
Before the changes in strategy the page printed less than 200 times a day. Today it prints more than twice as much, approximately 450 times a day.
This increases more than 100% the chances of being found by the users.

Finally, we have started to work hard on positioning of some keywords that are of vital importance to lower the Lead acquisition cost.
Some keywords that were in positions 75 and more now they are on the second page of Google which increases in More than 200% chances of generating leads.
It should be noted that organic traffic is not generated for the keywords purpose of the software as a result of the mentioned optimizations of immediate way. However, at the time of writing this post (November 2019) there are only 45 days of implementation and there is still a long way to go Start generating content and the link building stage.

2021 update
A year after the SEO optimizations we looked at the data again of our client and we find that it is in a middle position 6.8 in Latin America. That is, it always appears on the first page Google on average in position 7. In some countries it is first and in others it is in lower positions (while the higher the number, the worse the position)